Sarah & Steve 7-8-17

Travelers are the kind of people who not only keep that youthful wanderlust, but follow it- wherever it may take them. In this case…it brought two wonderful people together. Sarah and Steve. On the day of their wedding- we went to the river. The water is where they both find peace; under the sun… and in nature. I wanted to capture that peace on this remarkable day.

At the quaint, yet stately -Holy Sepulcher Church, surrounded by family and friends, Sarah and Steve said “I do”. At the ceremony, I captured tears of joy on both sides of the aisle. Afterwards, Steve (a volunteer firemen) and his new bride Sarah, arrived in style, in a fire truck- welcomed by a adoring crowd at Laube Hall in Ford City. A great celebration began, filled with loved ones, who were there to send these two off into the world. Libation flowed, people danced and good vibes abounded, until it was time for Sarah and Steve to depart- and together begin the greatest journey of all, …life.